-A fully insured, family owned company providing high end, low dust hardwood floor refinishing, repair and installation as well as machine sales and service to the greater Syracuse area.-


T.J. Haas was born into the highly refined lineage of bowling resurfacing and maintenance, running sanders and reading a level before he could write his own name. Today, T.J. has found his specialized niche in the world of home hardwoods and associated machine sales. When he isn't offering commaradery and expert advice to his fellow business associates, you can find T.J. spending time with his sweet little family in Syracuse, NY.


From our roots in the bowling industry, to our future in your home, we've spent 20 years refining our processes to provide you with the most appealing floor money can buy.

We've gone so far as to source our own machines and products from non traditional suppliers to provide you with a clean, convenient, beautiful, and long lasting finished floor.

Mad Science Flooring was an early adopter of low VOC eco friendly, interior waterbased floor finishes and continues to push the envelope being the only local contractor specializing in the new trend in high end European style penetrating oils and finishes.

Being one of the world's premier contractors we always stay on the cutting edge of floor refinishing, whether it's better finishes, better equipment or better dust containment, we can offer a high end solution to fit many budgets and provide you with the kind of workmanship you show off to your friends and family.